"Earth Day is to raise awareness to the environment and our planet, to learn more about the natural world around us and how to best protect it. Here at the Robert L. Bowles Nature Centre everyday is Earth Day." Bob Bowles

We had a great day planned for Earth Day, here at the Robert L. Bowles Nature Centre. The day was packed full of activities and workshops with Bob Bowles, Master Naturalist. We naturally had to postpone all events. So we will have to celebrate Earth Day at home, safe with our families.
Earth Day was first organized in 1970, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson. The theme this year is "Restore our Earth". The theme “examines natural processes, emerging green technologies and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems.” https://earthday.org
Earth Day is a great way to raise awareness and take action for the care of the planet. There are many activities we can do to celebrate the day. We can learn to make these activities a part of our regular routine.
Picking up litter on our roadsides and in our parks
Planting trees
Educating ourselves about how we can reduce our carbon footprint
Plant nectar giving plants to attract pollinators
Start composting and use it to fertilize your plants
Grow your own vegetables even if you live in a city
Dispose of batteries properly
Eat organic
Bike or walk when you can
Conserve electrical energy - Shut the lights off
Limit your water usage
Spend time in nature and reflect on its beauty
Get children involved in all the above activities
These small acts will improve and change the world we live in. Please share with us how you plan on celebrating Earth Day this year. You can reach us at robertlbowlesnaturecentre@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/bowlesnaturecentre
Happy Earth Day world citizens!
