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It was the Best of Times, it was the Worst of Times.....


Updated: May 10, 2021

This partial quote is taken from the opening paragraph of Charles Dickens epic novel, Tale of Two Cities.

Given our current situation it best reflects how the pandemic has created opportunities for some and despair for others.

We are officially closed for the one-month provincial shutdown. Bob Bowles, Master Naturalist, had several 1/2 day, in- field workshops planned for April and May, meeting provincial outdoor event guidelines. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone all of them. (the worst of times)

So we decided to use this time as a great opportunity to learn, observe, listen and record the ever-changing aspects of nature during our spring here in the northern hemisphere. (the best of times)

There is so much going on at the centre, from wood frogs, peepers, and chorus frogs awakening and singing their mating songs to a variety of new birds arriving daily as the weather warms, to bear scat on our walking trails. We've observed turtles crawling out of the mud and frog and salamander egg masses in the ponds plus overwintered green and bullfrog tadpoles that will develop into adults later in the season.

The beautiful burgundy male catkins on the speckled alder trees are much longer than they were in March and the female catkins are out on the alders. Pussy willows have started to bloom and some of the more precocious willows are attracting insects and bees to the pollen.

We'll keep you abreast each week during our lockdown of the new discoveries here at the Robert L. Bowles Nature Centre.

Look for information for our next in-field workshops as soon as the provincial restrictions are lifted.

Here's a peek at what we observed this week at the centre.

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